Undoubtedly, we all deal with electricity and electrical appliances, whether small or large, and we work with them in some way every day. Today, with the advancement of science and technology, access to daily tasks has become easier, and there are many devices available that They all work with electricity, so it can be said that electricity plays a significant role in our lives, but do we know what different types of electrical appliances are made of and how they work? We will gradually learn together from the beginning to advanced level. How to make or electronic circuits and different boards that are used in our devices and what kind of world they have, because basically it is the design and construction of these boards and their parts that created electronic devices, for example, our communication devices such as computers. , mobile phones, tablets, televisions, cars, robots, etc.
Therefore, the field of electrical engineering is interesting, complex, and at the same time very useful and profitable in all directions. By learning even from preliminary to advanced, we can use devices better, even get to know different ideas and learn more about how devices work with capacity. Let's get to know them and be able to provide a more convenient, more accessible, more useful life with more efficiency and less cost for ourselves and the future generation. One of the trends in the field of electrical engineering is electronics, that is, it is called electronic electricity, and it is better to say :
Electronic electricity is a world and a world means electronic electricity.
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